Good parenting skills develop over time. Families become stronger with education and training. Since 2000, the Pima Prevention Partnership has been providing parenting skills training and family strengthening workshops in Pima and Maricopa Counties. The major goal of the Strengthening Arizona’s Families (SAF) Program is to help families avoid substance use and other unhealthy risk behaviors among their children.
The SAF program is funded by the Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention Program and administered by the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family.
Family Strengthening Programs
Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14)
helps parents/caregivers learn nurturing skills that support their children
teaches parents/caregivers how to effectively discipline and guide their youth
gives youth a healthy future orientation and an increased appreciation of their parents/caregivers
teaches youth skills for dealing with stress and peer pressure
Staying Connected with Your Teen (SCT)
The Staying Connected with Your Teen program draws on extensive research that demonstrates the critical importance of parent involvement in reducing or inhibiting adolescent participation in antisocial behaviors. It is part of the positive youth development movement that:
promotes bonding and resilience
offers opportunities for youth involvement
builds skills to develop healthy behaviors
provides recognition for skill-building efforts
Youth Advocacy and Empowerment
Youth 2 Youth (Y2Y)
Provide each participant with a core base of knowledge and command of the issues;
Identify core skills needed to successfully take action (such as public speaking, message development, media literacy, working with the press, legislative skills);
Regularly and rigorously drill on those skills over and over again before taking action;
Provide an opportunity to put the skills into action (deliver the press conference, give the presentation, record the radio PSA, speak to the legislative committee);
Ensure consistency of action and coordination of youth and staff by providing a written “playbook”; which in our case is the One Voice Youth Empowerment Toolkit.
120 families served annually
40 youth participate in Y2Y Empowerment Curriculum
3,000 community members participate in annual awareness events
In 2009, the Pima Prevention Partnership won a national Science and Service Award for its strengthening families program from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Contact Us:​​
Strengthening Arizona’s Families Program –
If in Pima County, contact – Patty Hermosillo at 520-791-2711 ext. 1123 or phermosillo@thepartnership.us